Saaga badminton


“Smash Your Limits, Serve Your Potential: Welcome to Saaga Badminton Academy, Where Champions Are Forged!”


“Welcome to Saaga Badminton Academy, where passion meets precision, and every shuttlecock serves as an opportunity to elevate your game. Nestled in the heart of Trivandrum, our academy stands as a beacon for aspiring badminton enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels. With a commitment to excellence and a team of experienced coaches, we provide a dynamic environment where players can hone their skills, unleash their potential, and strive for greatness on and off the court. Join us as we embark on a journey of skill development, camaraderie, and success. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, Saaga Academy is your gateway to a world of badminton excellence.”


Personalized training plans

Medical Team

“Our dedicated medical team at Saaga Badminton Academy is committed to ensuring the holistic well-being of every player. our team works tirelessly to support athletes in achieving their peak performance while prioritizing their health and safety.They also conduct  screenings and medical assessments to identify any underlyinghealth concerns 

Sports Physiotherapist

Our sports physiotherapists are integral members of our multidisciplinary team, bringing a  expertise in sports science and rehabilitation to the table. Their primary focus is on the musculoskeletal health of our athletes, working tirelessly to address any issues that may arise during training or competition.

Sports Psychologist

Our sports physiologists are instrumental in designing training programs that push the boundaries of human performance while minimizing the risk of injury. Leveraging their expertise in exercise physiology, biomechanics, and sports nutrition, to suit each athlete’s specific needs, goals, and physiological profile.


Our sports nutritionists are dedicated to optimizing athletes’ performance, recovery, and overall well-being through evidence-based nutrition guidance tailored to their unique needs.Sports nutritionists understand that fueling the body effectively can make the difference between good and great performance.

“Smashing Success: Elevate Your Game with Saaga Badminton Academy!”

We Develop a Plan that works for You

Our Coaching Process


Physical Conditioning: Badminton is a demanding sport that requires agility, speed, and endurance. Our training regimen includes fitness drills, strength training, and conditioning exercises to ensure players are physically prepared to excel on the court.


Holistic Development: Our training goes beyond just honing badminton skills. We aim to develop well-rounded individuals who embody sportsmanship, teamwork, and discipline both on and off the court. Our players emerge not only as better athletes but also as better people.


Physical Conditioning: Badminton is a demanding sport that requires agility, speed, and endurance. Our training regimen includes fitness drills, strength training, and conditioning exercises to ensure players are physically prepared to excel on the court.


Competitive Exposure: We provide opportunities for players to test their skills in competitive settings, whether it’s through intra-academy tournaments, local leagues, or national competitions. These experiences not only fuel their passion for the sport but also accelerate their growth as players.


Mental Resilience: We emphasize the importance of mental toughness and resilience in badminton. Players learn to stay focused, manage pressure, and bounce back from setbacks, developing the mental fortitude needed to thrive in competitive environments.


Personalized Approach: We believe in tailoring our training programs to suit each player’s individual needs, strengths, and areas for improvement. No two players are alike, so we personalize our coaching to maximize each player’s potential.


Strategic Mindset: Beyond just mastering strokes, we cultivate a strategic mindset in our players. They learn to anticipate their opponent’s moves, adapt their game plan on the fly, and make tactical decisions that give them the competitive edge.


Continuous Learning: Badminton is a dynamic sport that constantly evolves, and so does our approach to training. We stay up-to-date with the latest techniques, strategies, and innovations in the sport, ensuring that our players receive the most comprehensive and effective training possible.

About Badminton

Badminton, often hailed as the fastest racket sport in the world, combines lightning-quick reflexes, agility, and precision. Played on a rectangular court, either in singles or doubles format, the objective is to hit a shuttlecock over the net and into your opponent’s court, aiming to score points by making it land within the boundaries.

What sets badminton apart is the sheer intensity and speed of the game. Players engage in rapid-fire rallies, showcasing explosive footwork, powerful smashes, and delicate net play. The shuttlecock, made of feathers or synthetic materials, adds an element of unpredictability, requiring players to adapt their shots and strategies on the fly.

Beyond its physical demands, badminton is a sport of strategy and mental fortitude. Players must anticipate their opponent’s moves, employ tactics to exploit weaknesses, and maintain focus under pressure. Whether you’re a casual enthusiast or a competitive athlete, badminton offers a thrilling and rewarding experience that challenges both body and mind.

So, whether you’re dreaming of representing your country on the international stage or simply looking to stay active and have fun, come join us

“Badminton is not just about winning. It’s about challenging yourself to be better than you were yesterday.” 

P.V. Sindhu

“Every match is a challenge. I am always trying to improve and grow as a player.”

Saina Nehwal

“In badminton, it’s not always about being the strongest player, but the smartest one on court.”

Lin Dan

Make Your Summer Count with Badminton Training

“Building champions, racket by racket.”

Location Info

TENZ – Opposite, Milma, Ambalathara, Thiruvananthapuram